The CDA (Canadian Dental Association) has produced a series of Patient Information Brochures about oral health care and common dental procedures that will allow our website visitors gain a better understanding about our treatments

Gum disease assessment and treatment

Periowave painless treatment for gum diseaseAt TimberleaDental, we endeavor to assess individuals for the presence of gum (periodontal) disease and inform them about their specific situation. Periodontal diseases is the first cause of tooth lost in adults nowadays and affects more than half of the people over age 30.

Periowave machineTimberleaDental offer programs to fight gum disease and give options for treatment based upon an individual's health condition, underlying illnesses, habits (good and bad!), and history of past treatment. We are committed to providing our patients with current information on their oral health needs and concerns.

One of the most successfull treatments we offer is Periowave. Periowave is a quick, non-antiobitic, painless, effective and safe technology that works to kill the bacteria associated with periodontal diseases, without the promotion of antiobitic resistance.  Periowave utilizes a non-thermal laser light combined with a photosensitizing solution designed to kill bacteria associated with the diseases.

Wisdom teeth extraction and oral surgery

At TimberleaDental, we offer wisdom teeth extractions including impacted cases.

The most common reasons for oral surgery are extractions. Although technology has advanced over the years so that we have a substantial drop in the number of extractions necessary, they are sometimes still unavoidable due to extensive infection or trauma and to teeth that are mobile due to gum disease and have no bone structure left for support.

Extraction situations are determined by appropriate exams and x-rays.

Root canal

At TimberleaDental, we offer treatment of infected teeth to save them from being extracted.

A tooth may require endodontic therapy due to many reasons including cavities that are not attended to quickly (and progress into infection deep inside the tooth) or if a tooth has been exposed to major trauma. If this does happen and is left unattended it can cause significant pain and/or infection leading to extraction or systemic medical problems. Keeping a tooth (rather than extracting) can help maintain bone structure and support, maintain aesthetics, and retain chewing power.

After root canal therapy, a tooth may need a crown to help support it if significant tooth structure is missing.


Bruxism is the term used to describe the grinding and clenching of teeth, often during sleep. As with most problems that occur during sleep, bruxism often goes undetected until a spouse or partner hears the grinding at night or damage is detected by your dentist.

Bruxism can be caused by several factors including stress, a reaction to pain, certain sleep disorders, or teeth that are misaligned. The problem is often increased with the consumption of caffeine and alcohol. In severe cases grinding and clenching can cause dental problems including chipping, hot and cold sensitivity, damage to dental work and more serious scenarios.

Signs of bruxism include sensitive teeth, jaw muscle pain in the morning, tooth tips that are flattened or dull, the sound of grinding during sleep.

Bruxism can be treated or reduced through relaxation techniques, change in dietary habits and in more sever cases limited by a specially fitted mouthguard. If you grind or clench your teeth speak to your dentist about reducing or eliminating the problem.

Smile Analysis and Design

Are you interested in changing your smile? Modern dentistry has made significant advancements over the last few decades! Smiles can be maintained and improved. The first step to a comprehensive smile improvement is evaluation of a person's current smile. This may include use of models of their teeth and visualization of desired improvements.

Crowns, Bridges and Veneers

These very attractive coverings can be used to improve a patient's chewing function and aesthetics.

A crown is a covering for an original tooth that can be made from porcelain, gold, stainless steel or ceramic materials. Veneers are placed for patients with a cosmetic concern or embarrassment such as trauma to a front tooth or to a tooth that has discoloured over time. They are thin shells of porcelain material, fabricated in a laboratory and placed on the surface of the front of a tooth.

We place crowns or veneers in the event that your existing tooth has fractured, has a root canal therapy completed with little tooth structure left or simply has a filling that has become too large. When the tooth loses structural integrity, a crown or veneer is placed for the following reasons:To give the original tooth added strength or to aesthetically enhance its appearance. Bridges are an alternative treatment to implants that help to fill spaces using crowns.

Any of these techniques can be used to improve a person's smile!


At TimberleaDental Centre, we will help patients decide if this advanced space replacement is suitable for them.

Implants are the recommended treatment for lost or missing teeth depending on an individual's specific situation (alternatives exist - based on each induvidual's situation). They can be utilized to improve chewing function and aesthetics. The process involves the placement of a biocompatible post to hold an artificial crown in place. This differs from bridge placement because adjacent teeth do not need to be touched. Implants may be combined with other techniques such as crown/veneer placement or orthodontics to improve function and your smile!

White Fillings

At TimberleaDental, we are proud to offer white fillings as an alternative to silver fillings (amalgams). These fillings may replace amalgams and can provide an aesthetically pleasing solution to cavities. White fillings are one possible solution for maintaining or enhancing tooth function and cosmetic appeal.

Tooth Whitening

At TimberleaDental, we offer state of the art whitening in both in-office and take-home formats. One of the most successfull treatments we use is the latest Zoom! Advanced Power.

Zoom! it is safe, effective and a very fast tooth whitening procedure. With the in-office treatment being ONE VISIT and less than an hour, we have experienced fantastic results! The procedure is siple, it is very simple and it is based in a whitening gel, which has been designed to be used with a specially designed light. Zoom! light and gel work together to gently penetrate your teeth, breaking up stains and discoloration. With proper care your smile will sparkle for years!

So much so, that we do much more in-office whitening than take-home whitening. As such, we still offer our take-home whitening Zoom which gives excellent results in a minimum time of 3 days!

View an interactive Zoom! Tooth Whitening Demo

Teeth before and after whitening treatment


At TimberleaDental, we offer the latest in orthodontic treatment: Invisalign. This novel method of aligning teeth can be used to correct crowding, spacing, overlapped, and tipped teeth. It does NOT involve braces and can readily be used by anyone with adult teeth (from about the age of 13 years old and up). Invisalign is one tool available in the aesthetic dentistry arsenal.